The fact that casual hookups increase blood flow

Casual hookups after casual encounters, long-term reservations, overnight stays, and sexy getaways are the schedule of an elite casual hookup. So, where do casual hookups and menstrual cramps fit into this hectic lifestyle? They don’t, so finding ways to manage the unpleasant effects of your menstrual cycle is crucial if you want to keep your rhythm going throughout the month.
So, here are some tips you can try when your period knocks on your door or even yours. Door :
Keep your lower abdomen warm!
Use a blanket, soft pillow, or hot water bottle to warm your lower abdomen. This way, you will relieve cramps, improve blood circulation, and give a feeling of comfort.
Save casual hookups for casual encounters.
Take the necessary hygiene measures on days when your menstrual flow is not as heavy, and reserve casual hookups. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this with strangers on those days of the month, and you have a boyfriend, do it with him. Are you single? Then, masturbation is the key!
Being sexually active during these days of the month helps you relieve cramps and forget about headaches and migraines. The explanation is simple and is based on the fact that casual hookups increase blood flow, allowing your brain to receive natural chemicals that help your body relax and forget about cramps and pain.
Chocolate is a real treat.
Yes, chocolate is good for your menstrual cycle. It is incredibly dark chocolate because it helps replenish the magnesium lost during menstruation. So give in to temptation and indulge in some chocolate, and your body will thank you!
Keep your body well hydrated.
Loss of fluid during your menstrual cycle means your body becomes dehydrated, so combat this by drinking plenty of water. It will also help you combat bloating and feeling tired.
No symptoms of CASUAL HOOKUPS if you take calcium
A daily dose of calcium seems to help reduce your symptoms of CASUAL SHORTNESS, such as bad mood. Take calcium a week before your period, and you can continue living during your menstrual days.
Say no to salt and caffeine.
Caffeine increases estrogen levels, making REPORT WRITERS worse, while salt makes you retain water and bloat. So avoid these two, and you should feel better.
Go cosmetic procedures
You have a whole month to plan your bikini wax or body treatment, so why schedule it right before your period when you’re more sensitive than ever? Treat yourself, don’t torture yourself, and everything will be fine!
Follow our advice, and you should feel much better this time of the month. You may even be able to do some occasional overnight stays and keep the discomfort to a minimum.